Trigger in Streaming Example

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Trigger in Streaming Example

Post by PeterLang »

Hello there,

I want to use the PS6000_ID_Streaming_Example to stream data and use a trigger. I would like to open a window where the data is plotted and the plotted data should not move because of the trigger, is this possible? It should work like the trigger in the actual picoscope 6 program. I used this code, bit it doesn't work, maybe you can help me. It is basically the same code as in the example, just some modifications because I activated all channels.

Code: Select all

function [timeAxis,channelAFinal,channelBFinal,channelCFinal,channelDFinal] = AufzeichnungPicoscope_Streaming_VERAENDERT(A,B,C,D, RangeA, RangeB, RangeC, RangeD, TriggerSchwellspannung, ZeitProSample)
%% PicoScope 6000 Series Instrument Driver Oscilloscope Streaming Data Capture Example
% This is an example of an instrument control session using a device 
% object. The instrument control session comprises all the steps you 
% are likely to take when communicating with your instrument. 
% These steps are:
% # Create a device object   
% # Connect to the instrument 
% # Configure properties 
% # Invoke functions 
% # Disconnect from the instrument 
% To run the instrument control session, type the name of the file,
% PS6000_ID_Streaming_Example, at the MATLAB command prompt.
% The file, PS6000_ID_STREAMING_EXAMPLE.M must be on your MATLAB PATH. For
% additional information on setting your MATLAB PATH, type 'help addpath'
% at the MATLAB command prompt.
% *Example:*
%     PS6000_ID_Streaming_Example;
% *Description:*
%     Demonstrates how to call set properties and call functions in order
%     to capture data in streaming mode data from a PicoScope 6000 Series
%     Oscilloscope.
% *Note:* Not all device and group object functions used in this example
% are compatible with the Test and Measurement Tool.
% *See also:*  | 
% *Copyright:* © 2014 - 2017 Pico Technology Ltd. See LICENSE file for terms.

%% Suggested Input Test Signals
% This example was published using the following test signals:
% * Channel A: 3 Vpp, 1 Hz sine wave
% * Channel B: 2 Vpp, 5 Hz square wave 

%% Namen der Konstanten
% TriggerSchwellspannung (Die Ebene, die das Signal überschreiten muss, um eine Aufzeichnung
% auszulösen)

% zu und abschalten von Kanaelen:
% A (Kanal A zuschalten: 1; ausschalten: 0)
% B (Kanal B zuschalten: 1; ausschalten: 0)
% C (Kanal C zuschalten: 1; ausschalten: 0)
% D (Kanal D zuschalten: 1; ausschalten: 0)
% einstellen der Range in mV fuer die verschiedenen Kanaele
% RangeA stellt die Range fuer Kanal A ein
% RangeB stellt die Range fuer Kanal B ein
% RangeC stellt die Range fuer Kanal C ein
% RangeD stellt die Range fuer Kanal D ein
%%%RangeA bis RangeD einstellen bevor gestartet werden kann

% TriggerSchwellspannung (Die Ebene, die das Signal überschreiten muss, um eine Aufzeichnung
% auszulösen)

%% Clear Command Window and Close any Figures

close all;

%% Load Configuration Information


%% Parameter Definitions
% Define any parameters that might be required throughout the script.

channelA = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000Channel.PS6000_CHANNEL_A;
channelB = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000Channel.PS6000_CHANNEL_B;
channelC = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000Channel.PS6000_CHANNEL_C;
channelD = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000Channel.PS6000_CHANNEL_D;

%% Device Connection

% Check if an Instrument session using the device object 'ps6000DeviceObj'
% is still open, and if so, disconnect if the User chooses 'Yes' when prompted.
if (exist('ps6000DeviceObj', 'var') && ps6000DeviceObj.isvalid && strcmp(ps6000DeviceObj.status, 'open'))
    openDevice = questionDialog(['Device object ps6000DeviceObj has an open connection. ' ...
        'Do you wish to close the connection and continue?'], ...
        'Device Object Connection Open');
    if (openDevice == PicoConstants.TRUE)
        % Close connection to device

        % Exit script if User selects 'No'

% Create device -  specify serial number if required
% Specify serial number as 2nd argument if required.
ps6000DeviceObj = icdevice('picotech_ps6000_generic', ''); 

% Connect device

%% Display Unit Information

[infoStatus, unitInfo] = invoke(ps6000DeviceObj, 'getUnitInfo');


%% Channel Setup
% All channels are enabled by default - switch off all except Channels A
% and B. Channel settings are changed as shown below:

% Channel A
if A==1
    channelSettings(1).enabled          = PicoConstants.TRUE;
    channelSettings(1).enabled          = PicoConstants.FALSE;
channelSettings(1).coupling         = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000Coupling.PS6000_DC_1M;
% channelSettings(1).range            = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000Range.PS6000_2V;
% channelSettings(1).range            = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000Range.PS6000_50MV;
channelSettings(1).range            = RangeA; %ERSATZ
channelSettings(1).analogueOffset   = 0.0;
channelSettings(1).bandwidth        = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000BandwidthLimiter.PS6000_BW_FULL;

if (strcmp(ps6000DeviceObj.InstrumentModel, PS6000Constants.MODEL_PS6407))

    channelSettings(1).coupling         = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000Coupling.PS6000_DC_50R;
    channelSettings(1).range            = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000Range.PS6000_100MV;

channelARangeMV = PicoConstants.SCOPE_INPUT_RANGES(channelSettings(1).range + 1);

% Channel B
if B==1
    channelSettings(2).enabled          = PicoConstants.TRUE;
    channelSettings(2).enabled          = PicoConstants.FALSE;
channelSettings(2).coupling         = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000Coupling.PS6000_DC_1M;
% channelSettings(2).range            = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000Range.PS6000_2V;
% channelSettings(2).range            = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000Range.PS6000_50MV;
channelSettings(2).range            = RangeB; %ERSATZ
channelSettings(2).analogueOffset   = 0.0;
channelSettings(2).bandwidth        = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000BandwidthLimiter.PS6000_BW_FULL;

if (strcmp(ps6000DeviceObj.InstrumentModel, PS6000Constants.MODEL_PS6407))

    channelSettings(2).coupling         = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000Coupling.PS6000_DC_50R;
    channelSettings(2).range            = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000Range.PS6000_100MV;

channelBRangeMV = PicoConstants.SCOPE_INPUT_RANGES(channelSettings(2).range + 1);

% Channel C
if C==1
    channelSettings(3).enabled          = PicoConstants.TRUE;
    channelSettings(3).enabled          = PicoConstants.FALSE;
channelSettings(3).coupling         = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000Coupling.PS6000_DC_1M;
% channelSettings(3).range            = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000Range.PS6000_2V;
% channelSettings(3).range            = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000Range.PS6000_50MV;
channelSettings(3).range            = RangeC; %ERSATZ
channelSettings(3).analogueOffset   = 0.0;
channelSettings(3).bandwidth        = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000BandwidthLimiter.PS6000_BW_FULL;

if (strcmp(ps6000DeviceObj.InstrumentModel, PS6000Constants.MODEL_PS6407))

    channelSettings(3).coupling         = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000Coupling.PS6000_DC_50R;
    channelSettings(3).range            = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000Range.PS6000_100MV;

channelCRangeMV = PicoConstants.SCOPE_INPUT_RANGES(channelSettings(3).range + 1);

% Channel D
if D==1
    channelSettings(4).enabled          = PicoConstants.TRUE;
    channelSettings(4).enabled          = PicoConstants.FALSE;
channelSettings(4).coupling         = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000Coupling.PS6000_DC_1M;
% channelSettings(4).range            = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000Range.PS6000_2V;
% channelSettings(4).range            = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000Range.PS6000_50MV;
channelSettings(4).range            = RangeD; %ERSATZ
channelSettings(4).analogueOffset   = 0.0;
channelSettings(4).bandwidth        = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000BandwidthLimiter.PS6000_BW_FULL;

if (strcmp(ps6000DeviceObj.InstrumentModel, PS6000Constants.MODEL_PS6407))

    channelSettings(4).coupling         = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000Coupling.PS6000_DC_50R;
    channelSettings(4).range            = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000Range.PS6000_100MV;

channelDRangeMV = PicoConstants.SCOPE_INPUT_RANGES(channelSettings(4).range + 1);

% Keep the status values returned from the driver.
numChannels = get(ps6000DeviceObj, 'channelCount');

for ch = 1:numChannels
    status.setChannelStatus(ch) = invoke(ps6000DeviceObj, 'ps6000SetChannel', ...
        (ch - 1), channelSettings(ch).enabled, ...
        channelSettings(ch).coupling, channelSettings(ch).range, ...
        channelSettings(ch).analogueOffset, channelSettings(ch).bandwidth);

% Obtain the maximum Analogue Digital Converter count value from the driver
% - this is used for scaling values returned from the driver when data is
% collected.
maxADCCount = double(get(ps6000DeviceObj, 'maxADCValue'));

%% Trigger Setup
% % Turn off the trigger.
% %
% % If a trigger is set and the autoStop property in the driver is set to
% % '1', the device will stop collecting data once the number of post trigger
% % samples have been collected.
% % Trigger properties and functions are located in the Instrument
% % Driver's Trigger group.
% triggerGroupObj = get(ps6000DeviceObj, 'Trigger');
% triggerGroupObj = triggerGroupObj(1);
% [status.setTriggerOff] = invoke(triggerGroupObj, 'setTriggerOff');
%% Set Simple Trigger
% Set a trigger on Channel A, with an auto timeout - the default value for
% delay is used.

% Trigger properties and functions are located in the Instrument
% Driver's Trigger group.

triggerGroupObj = get(ps6000DeviceObj, 'Trigger');
triggerGroupObj = triggerGroupObj(1);

% Set the autoTriggerMs property in order to automatically trigger the 
% oscilloscope after 1 second if a trigger event has not occurred. Set to 0 to
% wait indefinitely for a trigger event.

set(triggerGroupObj, 'autoTriggerMs', 0);

% Channel     : 0 (ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000Channel.PS6000_CHANNEL_A)
% Threshold   : 50 mV (for the PicoScope 6407) or 500 mV otherwise
% Direction   : 2 (ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000ThresholdDirection.PS6000_RISING)

thresholdVoltage = TriggerSchwellspannung;
%thresholdVoltage =50;
if (strcmp(ps6000DeviceObj.InstrumentModel, PS6000Constants.MODEL_PS6407))
    thresholdVoltage = 50;

[status.setSimpleTrigger] = invoke(triggerGroupObj, 'setSimpleTrigger', 0, thresholdVoltage, 2);

%% Set Data Buffers
% Data buffers for Channel A and B - buffers should be set with the driver,
% and these MUST be passed with application buffers to the wrapper driver.
% This will ensure that data is correctly copied from the driver buffers
% for later processing.

overviewBufferSize  = 250000; % Size of the buffer(s) to collect data from the driver's buffer(s).
segmentIndex        = 0;   
ratioMode           = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000RatioMode.PS6000_RATIO_MODE_NONE;

% Buffers to be passed to the driver.
% if A==1
    pDriverBufferChA = libpointer('int16Ptr', zeros(overviewBufferSize, 1, 'int16'));
% end
% if B==1
    pDriverBufferChB = libpointer('int16Ptr', zeros(overviewBufferSize, 1, 'int16'));
% end
% if C==1
  pDriverBufferChC = libpointer('int16Ptr', zeros(overviewBufferSize, 1, 'int16')); 
% end
% if D==1
    pDriverBufferChD = libpointer('int16Ptr', zeros(overviewBufferSize, 1, 'int16'));
% end

% if A==1
    status.setDataBufferChA = invoke(ps6000DeviceObj, 'ps6000SetDataBuffer', ...
    channelA, pDriverBufferChA, overviewBufferSize, segmentIndex, ratioMode);
% end
% if B==1
    status.setDataBufferChB = invoke(ps6000DeviceObj, 'ps6000SetDataBuffer', ...
    channelB, pDriverBufferChB, overviewBufferSize, segmentIndex, ratioMode);
% end
% if C==1
    status.setDataBufferChC = invoke(ps6000DeviceObj, 'ps6000SetDataBuffer', ...
    channelC, pDriverBufferChC, overviewBufferSize, segmentIndex, ratioMode);
% end
% if D==1
    status.setDataBufferChD = invoke(ps6000DeviceObj, 'ps6000SetDataBuffer', ...
    channelD, pDriverBufferChD, overviewBufferSize, segmentIndex, ratioMode);
% end
% Application Buffers - these are for temporarily copying data from the driver.
% if A==1
    pAppBufferChA = libpointer('int16Ptr', zeros(overviewBufferSize, 1));
% end
% if B==1
    pAppBufferChB = libpointer('int16Ptr', zeros(overviewBufferSize, 1));
% end
% if C==1
    pAppBufferChC = libpointer('int16Ptr', zeros(overviewBufferSize, 1));
% end
% if D==1
    pAppBufferChD = libpointer('int16Ptr', zeros(overviewBufferSize, 1));
% end
% Streaming properties and functions are located in the Instrument
% Driver's Streaming group.

streamingGroupObj = get(ps6000DeviceObj, 'Streaming');
streamingGroupObj = streamingGroupObj(1);

% Register application buffer and driver buffers with the wrapper driver.
% if A==1
    status.setAppAndDriverBuffersA = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'setAppAndDriverBuffers', channelA, ...
    pAppBufferChA, pDriverBufferChA, overviewBufferSize);
% end
% if B==1
    status.setAppAndDriverBuffersB = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'setAppAndDriverBuffers', channelB, ...
   pAppBufferChB, pDriverBufferChB, overviewBufferSize);
% end
% if C==1
    status.setAppAndDriverBuffersC = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'setAppAndDriverBuffers', channelC, ...
    pAppBufferChC, pDriverBufferChC, overviewBufferSize);    
% end
% if D==1
    status.setAppAndDriverBuffersD = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'setAppAndDriverBuffers', channelD, ...
    pAppBufferChD, pDriverBufferChD, overviewBufferSize);    
% end
%% Start Streaming And Collect Data
% Use default value for streaming interval which is 1e-6 for 1MS/s. Collect
% data for 1 second with auto stop - maximum array size will depend on PC's
% resources - type  at the MATLAB command
% prompt for further information.

% To change the sample interval set the streamingInterval property of the
% Streaming group object. The call to the |ps6000RunStreaming| function
% will output the actual sampling interval used by the driver.

% For 200kS/s, specify 5us
% set(streamingGroupObj, 'streamingInterval', 5e-6);

% For 10MS/s, specify 100ns
% set(streamingGroupObj, 'streamingInterval', 100e-9);
set(streamingGroupObj, 'streamingInterval', ZeitProSample);
% Set the number of pre- and post-trigger samples.
% If no trigger is set, 'numPreTriggerSamples' is ignored.
set(ps6000DeviceObj, 'numPreTriggerSamples', 0);

set(ps6000DeviceObj, 'numPostTriggerSamples', 5000000);

% The autoStop parameter can be set to false (0) to allow for continuous
% data collection.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Kontinuierliche Aufnahme
set(streamingGroupObj, 'autoStop', PicoConstants.FALSE);

% Set other streaming parameters
downSampleRatio     = 1;
downSampleRatioMode = ps6000Enuminfo.enPS6000RatioMode.PS6000_RATIO_MODE_NONE;

% Defined buffers to store data collected from the channels. If capturing
% data without using the autoStop flag, or if using a trigger with the
% autoStop flag, allocate sufficient space (1.5 times sum of the number of
% pre-trigger and post-trigger samples is shown below) to allow for
% additional pre-trigger data. Pre-allocating the array is more efficient
% than using vertcat to combine data.

maxSamples = get(ps6000DeviceObj, 'numPreTriggerSamples') + ...
    get(ps6000DeviceObj, 'numPostTriggerSamples');

% Take into account the downsampling ratio mode - required if collecting
% data without a trigger and using the autoStop flag.
% finalBufferLength = round(1.5 * maxSamples / downSampleRatio);
%if A==1
    pBufferChAFinal = libpointer('int16Ptr', zeros(maxSamples, 1, 'int16'));
%if B==1
    pBufferChBFinal = libpointer('int16Ptr', zeros(maxSamples, 1, 'int16'));
%if C==1
    pBufferChCFinal = libpointer('int16Ptr', zeros(maxSamples, 1, 'int16'));
%if D==1
    pBufferChDFinal = libpointer('int16Ptr', zeros(maxSamples, 1, 'int16'));
% Prompt User to indicate if they wish to plot live streaming data.
plotLiveData = questionDialog('Plot live streaming data?', 'Streaming Data Plot');

if (plotLiveData == PicoConstants.TRUE)
    disp('Live streaming data collection with second plot on completion.');
    disp('Streaming data plot on completion.');

% Start streaming data collection.
[status.runStreaming, actualSampleInterval, sampleIntervalTimeUnitsStr] = ...
    invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'ps6000RunStreaming', downSampleRatio, ...
    downSampleRatioMode, overviewBufferSize);
disp('Streaming data...');
fprintf('Click the STOP button to stop capture or wait for auto stop if enabled.\n\n') 

% Variables to be used when collecting the data
hasAutoStopOccurred = PicoConstants.FALSE; % Indicates if the device has stopped automatically.
newSamples          = 0; % Number of new samples returned from the driver.
previousTotal       = 0; % The previous total number of samples.
totalSamples        = 0; % Total number of samples captured by the device.
startIndex          = 0; % Start index of data in the buffer returned (zero-based).
hasTriggered        = 0; % To indicate if a trigger event has occurred.
triggeredAtIndex    = 0; % The index in the overall buffer where the trigger occurred (zero-based).

status.getStreamingLatestValues = PicoStatus.PICO_OK; % OK

% Display a 'Stop' button.
[stopFig.h, stopFig.h] = stopButton();             
flag = 1; % Use flag variable to indicate if the stop button has been clicked (0).
setappdata(gcf, 'run', flag);

% Plot Properties - these are for displaying data as it is collected.

if (plotLiveData == PicoConstants.TRUE)
    % Plot on a single figure 
    figure1 = figure('Name','PicoScope 6000 Series Example - Streaming Mode Capture', ...

     axes1 = axes('Parent', figure1);

    % Estimate x-axis limit to try and avoid using too much CPU resources
    % when drawing - use max voltage range selected if plotting multiple
    % channels on the same graph.
    xlim(axes1, [0 (actualSampleInterval * maxSamples)]);

    yRange = max(channelARangeMV, channelBRangeMV);
    ylim(axes1,[(-1 * yRange) yRange]);

    grid(axes1, 'on');

    title(axes1, 'Live Streaming Data Capture');
    xLabelStr = strcat('Time (', sampleIntervalTimeUnitsStr, ')');
    xlabel(axes1, xLabelStr);
    ylabel(axes1, 'Voltage (mV)');

% Collect samples as long as the autoStop flag has not been set or the call
% to getStreamingLatestValues does not return an error code (check for STOP
% button push inside loop).
while (hasAutoStopOccurred == PicoConstants.FALSE && status.getStreamingLatestValues == PicoStatus.PICO_OK)
    ready = PicoConstants.FALSE;
    while (ready == PicoConstants.FALSE)

       status.getStreamingLatestValues = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'getStreamingLatestValues');
       ready = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'isReady');

       % Give option to abort data collection from here.
       flag = getappdata(gcf, 'run');

       if (flag == 0)

            disp('STOP button clicked - aborting data collection.')


       if (plotLiveData == PicoConstants.TRUE)



    % Check for new data values
    [newSamples, startIndex] = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'availableData');

    if (newSamples > 0)
        % Check if the scope has triggered
        [triggered, triggeredAt] = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'isTriggerReady');

        if (triggered == PicoConstants.TRUE)

            % Adjust trigger position as MATLAB does not use zero-based
            % indexing.
            bufferTriggerPosition = triggeredAt + 1;
            fprintf('Triggered - index in buffer: %d\n', bufferTriggerPosition);

            hasTriggered = triggered;

            % Set the total number of samples at which the device
            % triggered.
            triggeredAtIndex = totalSamples + bufferTriggerPosition;


        previousTotal = totalSamples;
        totalSamples  = totalSamples + newSamples;

        % Printing to console can slow down acquisition - use for
        % demonstration.
        fprintf('Collected %d samples, startIndex: %d total: %d.\n', newSamples, startIndex, totalSamples);
        % Position indices of data in the buffer(s).
        firstValuePosn = startIndex + 1;
        lastValuePosn = startIndex + newSamples;
        % Convert data values to millivolts from the application buffer(s).
        %if A==1
            bufferChAmV = adc2mv(pAppBufferChA.Value(firstValuePosn:lastValuePosn), channelARangeMV, maxADCCount);
        %if B==1
            bufferChBmV = adc2mv(pAppBufferChB.Value(firstValuePosn:lastValuePosn), channelBRangeMV, maxADCCount);
        %if C==1
            bufferChCmV = adc2mv(pAppBufferChC.Value(firstValuePosn:lastValuePosn), channelCRangeMV, maxADCCount);
        %if D==1
            bufferChDmV = adc2mv(pAppBufferChD.Value(firstValuePosn:lastValuePosn), channelDRangeMV, maxADCCount);
        % Process collected data further if required - this example plots
        % the data if the User has selected 'Yes' at the prompt.
        % Copy data into the final buffer(s).
        %if A==1
            pBufferChAFinal.Value(previousTotal + 1:totalSamples) = bufferChAmV;
        %if B==1
            pBufferChBFinal.Value(previousTotal + 1:totalSamples) = bufferChBmV;
        %if C==1
            pBufferChCFinal.Value(previousTotal + 1:totalSamples) = bufferChCmV;
        %if D==1
            pBufferChDFinal.Value(previousTotal + 1:totalSamples) = bufferChDmV;
        if (plotLiveData == PicoConstants.TRUE)
            % Time axis
            % Multiply by ratio mode as samples get reduced.
            time = (double(actualSampleInterval) * double(downSampleRatio)) * (previousTotal:(totalSamples - 1));

            plot(time, bufferChAmV, time, bufferChBmV);


        % Clear variables.
        clear bufferChAmV;
        clear bufferChBmV;
        clear firstValuePosn;
        clear lastValuePosn;
        clear startIndex;
        clear triggered;
        clear triggerAt;
    % Check if auto stop has occurred.
    hasAutoStopOccurred = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'autoStopped');

    if (hasAutoStopOccurred == PicoConstants.TRUE)

       disp('AutoStop: TRUE - exiting loop.');

    % Check if 'STOP' button pressed.

    flag = getappdata(gcf, 'run');

    if (flag == 0)

        disp('STOP button clicked - aborting data collection.')

% Close the STOP button window.
if (exist('stopFig', 'var'))
    close('Stop Button');
    clear stopFig;

if (plotLiveData == PicoConstants.TRUE)

if (hasTriggered == PicoConstants.TRUE)
    fprintf('Triggered at overall index: %d\n', triggeredAtIndex);

if (plotLiveData == PicoConstants.TRUE)
    % Take hold off the current figure
    hold off;


%% Stop the Device
% This function should be called regardless of whether the autoStop
% property is enabled or not.

status.stop = invoke(ps6000DeviceObj, 'ps6000Stop');

%% Find the Number of Samples.
% This is the number of samples held in the driver itself. The actual
% number of samples collected when using a trigger is likely to be greater.
[status.noOfStreamingValues, numStreamingValues] = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'ps6000NoOfStreamingValues');

fprintf('Number of samples available from the driver: %u.\n\n', numStreamingValues);

%% Process Data
% Process data if required - here the data will be plotted.

% Reduce size of arrays if required.
if (totalSamples < maxSamples)
   % if A ==1
        pBufferChAFinal.Value(totalSamples + 1:end) = [];
   % end
   % if B==1
        pBufferChBFinal.Value(totalSamples + 1:end) = [];
   % end
   % if C==1
        pBufferChCFinal.Value(totalSamples + 1:end) = [];
   % end
   % if D==1
        pBufferChDFinal.Value(totalSamples + 1:end) = [];
   % end

% Retrieve data for the Channels.
% if A==1
    channelAFinal = pBufferChAFinal.Value();
% end
% if B==1
    channelBFinal = pBufferChBFinal.Value();
% end
% if C==1
    channelCFinal = pBufferChCFinal.Value();
% end
% if D==1
    channelDFinal = pBufferChDFinal.Value();
% end
% Plot the data collected on another figure.
finalFigure = figure('Name','PicoScope 6000 Series Example - Streaming Mode Capture', ...
finalFigureAxes = axes('Parent', finalFigure);
hold(finalFigureAxes, 'on');

title(finalFigureAxes, 'Streaming Data Capture (Final)');
xLabelStr = strcat('Time (', sampleIntervalTimeUnitsStr, ')');
xlabel(finalFigureAxes, xLabelStr);
ylabel(finalFigureAxes, 'Voltage (mV)');

% Find the maximum voltage range
maxYRange = max(channelARangeMV, channelBRangeMV);
ylim(finalFigureAxes, [(-1 * maxYRange) maxYRange]);

% Calculated values for time axis, then plot.
timeAxis = (double(actualSampleInterval) * double(downSampleRatio)) * (0:length(channelAFinal) - 1);
plot(finalFigureAxes, timeAxis, channelAFinal, timeAxis, channelBFinal);

grid(finalFigureAxes, 'on');
legend(finalFigureAxes, 'Channel A', 'Channel B');
hold(finalFigureAxes, 'off');

% Disconnect device object from hardware.

Best regards

Posts: 271
Joined: Tue Jul 18, 2017 8:28 am

Re: Trigger in Streaming Example

Post by NeilH »


When running streaming with the SDK it will start collecting data immediately with the trigger not being used to start the capture. In streaming the trigger is used to give the sample count at which the trigger condition is met for the first time. If you are wanting to use the trigger to start the capture, you would need to use block mode instead of streaming or alternatively select the data you want from the whole set of streamed data.

Technical Support Engineer

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Joined: Tue Jun 23, 2020 3:22 pm

Re: Trigger in Streaming Example

Post by PeterLang »


I don't know if i understand you correctly or maybe my explanation was not good.
What I would like to get is:
If I got a triangle signale as an input, I would like to fix the triangle on the screen, like in the picture I added to the attachment. In other words, i would like to synchronize the plot with the signal.
If i understand you correctly, this is not possible with the SDK?

Best regards

Peter Lang

Posts: 271
Joined: Tue Jul 18, 2017 8:28 am

Re: Trigger in Streaming Example

Post by NeilH »

Hi Peter

From the images it looks like block mode is what you are wanting to use, in which you collect a triggered block of a set size. This will allow you to do what you are looking to do in having the data not move relative to the trigger point.

Technical Support Engineer

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