New Linux Drivers

Look here for drivers, example code and projects using the DrDaq with Linux
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New Linux Drivers

Post by Martyn »

We have produced Linux drivers for x86 and arm.
arm - Drivers and example code
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x86 - Drivers and example code
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Re: New Linux Drivers

Post by Martyn »

Drivers update
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Re: New Linux Drivers

Post by srinath_umd »

Hi Martyn

I tried installing the previous version of the drivers on my Ubuntu 10.04 for my pico 2203.
Didn't have success. Please provide a howto on the usage.

Even in Windows if i try to connect 10 times, i succeed only once. I am quite disappointed as i had such great hopes with pico

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Re: New Linux Drivers

Post by Martyn »

These drivers are for the USB DrDaq not the PicoScope 2203
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Re: New Linux Drivers

Post by dave_g22 »

Hi srinath_umd,

to get the drivers for the 2xxx series some more actions are needed. The package supplied by picotech is for Fedora I think.

First you need to transform the rpm to dpkg:

* You need to install a package called alien:
sudo apt-get install alien

* You need to transform the rpm package supplied by picotech:
alien -i package-name.rpm
i.e.: alien -i libps2_3000- for i386 architecture

* You need to install the created deb package:
sudo dpkg -i package-name.deb

* Create a group pico:
sudo addgroup --system pico

* Add your user to the group:
useradd -G pico

* You probably need to logout/login to update user/group stuff

Picotech provided a udev rules file that gives options, how the system shall behave, when a pico usb device is connected. I tried it, but it doesnt work on my ubuntu machine. Therefore I changed it a little:

old: SYSFS{idVendor}=="0ce9", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0ce9", MODE="664",GROUP="pico"
new: ATTRS{idVendor}=="0ce9", MODE="664", GROUP="pico", OWNER="root"

* You need to copy the modified file to /etc/udev/rules.d

* You need to change the rights of the copied file:
sudo chmod 644 95-pico.rules

* After that check your work with the provided usbtest

* Compile the example
(did not work): gcc -lps3000 PS3000con.c
(worked): gcc PS3000con.c -lps3000

Good luck.

I tried the driver with the ps3204 on an (K)Ubuntu 12.04 x64 machine.


Thx for Linux support.
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