to get the drivers for the 2xxx series some more actions are needed. The package supplied by picotech is for Fedora I think.
First you need to transform the rpm to dpkg:
* You need to install a package called alien:
sudo apt-get install alien
* You need to transform the rpm package supplied by picotech:
alien -i package-name.rpm
i.e.: alien -i libps2_3000- for i386 architecture
* You need to install the created deb package:
sudo dpkg -i package-name.deb
* Create a group pico:
sudo addgroup --system pico
* Add your user to the group:
useradd -G pico
* You probably need to logout/login to update user/group stuff
Picotech provided a udev rules file that gives options, how the system shall behave, when a pico usb device is connected. I tried it, but it doesnt work on my ubuntu machine. Therefore I changed it a little: