Is it possible to use PH/Redox Sensor BNC port for other purposes?

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Is it possible to use PH/Redox Sensor BNC port for other purposes?

Post by liemph »

Dear Members
I haven't any plan to use the PH/Redox Sensor BNC port (Channel 5) so I am considering using the port for other measurements, if possible. From the User Guide, it is not clear about the specification of the port (for example is it measuring voltage, current or resistance. Could I use the port like the scope (Channel 3) without destroying the DrDAQ?
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Re: Is it possible to use PH/Redox Sensor BNC port for other purposes?

Post by Phil_S »

I don't know anything about your DrDaq thing, but pH/redox outputs are strictly voltage.
About 60mV per pH unit.
The problem is the glass electrode has a very high impedance so some sort of buffer amplifier is needed to read the electrode.
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