Pico 7 vs. laptop sleep mode?

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Pico 7 vs. laptop sleep mode?

Post by G-son »

As a laptop has a somewhat limited battery life I tried putting the laptop in sleep mode - would be nice to avoid running down the battery while moving test leads or making other changes when the scope isn't in use.
Running Pico 7 in demo mode it comes back to life as windows resumes from sleep mode, but with the scope connected Pico 7 just seems to work initially, but does not resume gathering any data from the scope when I push start.
Tried Pico 6 too, that fails (locks up) even in demo mode.

Is there a way to make Pico 7 (or 6, I'm not picky) go back to work after the laptop going to sleep, without restarting the Pico software (and spending time choosing the right settings again)?

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Re: Pico 7 vs. laptop sleep mode?

Post by G-son »

Some more tests shows that it works if I unplug the USB before going to sleep mode, and plug it back in after waking it up. Not ideal, but it does the job good enough for occasional "off grid" work.

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