News article

Navigating PicoScope 7 T&M Early Access



Product news

The PicoScope 7 software development team have really got into their stride in the past few weeks. Behind the scenes there are several sub teams who are working on different elements of the user interface. Their work is brought together into fresh releases of the software that we publish once every two weeks.

The next version, 7.0.83, scheduled for Tuesday 12th October, unveils the following new capabilities:

Dark mode: presents the instrument controls, waveforms, measurements etc., on a black background. This is preferred by some users and will make it easier for them to use PicoScope in low ambient light conditions. There’s still some work to do on the settings to control waveform line thickness and a few other things, but this much requested feature is coming along on nicely.

Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG) controls have been added to the Signal Generator function. (Only applies to PicoScopes that have a Signal generator / AWG, of course!) This is a big job and the underlying code is still fresh, so the team have declared it as a “Beta” function at this stage. They’d like you to try it out and provide feedback, but don’t be too surprised if you find a bug or two at this stage!

Digital & Logic trigger types are now showing in the Trigger menu. Essentially this is a transfer of the PicoScope 6 trigger functionality into PicoScope 7. Logic triggering is especially important for users who are debugging digital circuits with PicoScope MSO models. The new triggers currently carry a “Beta” label, but please do give them a try and let us know what you think. It’s through your feedback that PicoScope 7 is evolving to become a state-of-the art UI that will serve PicoScope users for many years to come.

Download the latest PicoScope 7 software from our Downloads page.

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