PicoScope 7 T&M – Early Access


Thank you for your interest in the PicoScope 7 T&M Early Access program.

Windows, Linux and macOS versions of the software are being simultaneously developed, with feature parity across all three. Select and download the one you want from the page below.

New releases of PicoScope 7 T&M Early Access are being made available to download roughly every two weeks. Each release includes the latest functionality and improvements that our development team have built and tested, plus fixes for any bugs that have been discovered along the way.

The Early Access version can also be installed alongside the stable version on Windows and Mac, and will receive independant update notifications for all of the new features added with each release.

If you have any problems installing PicoScope 7 then email or call for support at support@picotech.com or +44 1480 396395.


send feedback

Please use the Send feedback button in the PicoScope 7 menu to tell us what you like and dislike about PicoScope 7, and let us know about any bugs you find. We read every item.

Picoscope 7.1.39 Early Access for Windows

Released: October 09 2024
Release type: Early Access
Size: 256 MB

This release is compatible with all non-automotive USB PC Oscilloscopes (PicoScope Automotive is available for users of Automotive Oscilloscopes).

Download Picoscope 7.1.39 Early Access for Windows

Release notes

PicoScope 7.1.39 Early Access

New Features

  • New DC Power maths channel.
  • New keyboard shortcuts for additional channel settings.
  • Channel options panel now retains the same opened tab when switching between channels.
  • Translations updated.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where channels would not be brought on top/to the front when clicking/dragging their axes.
  • Fixed a crash when trying to view the open file browser when using Sequoia OSX.
  • BNC+ pressure transducer now displays values in bar or psi.
  • Notes now open in focus, ready for immediate text entry. (Linux only)
  • Various Annotation fixes and improvements.

PicoScope 7.1.39 for MacOS

Released: October 09 2024
Release type: Early Access
Size: 198 MB

This release is compatible with all non-automotive USB PC Oscilloscopes (PicoScope Automotive is available for users of Automotive Oscilloscopes).

Download PicoScope 7.1.39 for MacOS

Installation notes

If users wish to install the last release of PicoScope 6 Beta for Mac (6.14.62), you can do so here.

Release notes

PicoScope 7.1.39 Early Access

New Features

  • New DC Power maths channel.
  • New keyboard shortcuts for additional channel settings.
  • Channel options panel now retains the same opened tab when switching between channels.
  • Translations updated.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where channels would not be brought on top/to the front when clicking/dragging their axes.
  • Fixed a crash when trying to view the open file browser when using Sequoia OSX.
  • BNC+ pressure transducer now displays values in bar or psi.
  • Notes now open in focus, ready for immediate text entry. (Linux only)
  • Various Annotation fixes and improvements.

PicoScope 7 Early Access for Linux


PicoScope is distributed via our online repositories. For operating system-specific instructions, please choose your distribution.

  1. Import public key (only once, no need to repeat)
    wget -qO - https://labs.picotech.com/Release.gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -
  2. Configure your system repository
    sudo bash -c 'echo "deb https://labs.picotech.com/rc/picoscope7/debian/ picoscope main" >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/picoscope7.list'
  3. Update package manager cache
    sudo apt-get update
  4. Install PicoScope
    sudo apt-get install picoscope
  1. Import public key (only once, no need to repeat)
    sudo rpmkeys --import http://labs.picotech.com/repomd.xml.key
  2. Add repository to the updater
    sudo zypper addrepo https://labs.picotech.com/rc/picoscope7/rpm/ picoscope
  3. If it results in an error saying it already exists, delete the file as in the following command and redo previous step:
    sudo rm /etc/zypp/repos.d/picoscope.repo
  4. Update package manager cache
    sudo zypper refresh
  5. Install PicoScope
    sudo zypper install picoscope
  6. If you run into packager conflicts, please ensure that installations of picoscope (6|7) GTK is removed from your system. You can achieve it by this command:
    sudo rpm -e picoscope libpl1000 libps2000 libps2000a libps3000 libps3000a libps4000 libps4000a libps5000 libps5000a libps6000 libusbdrdaq libpicoipp libpicocv